A Global Yoga Adventure
In a landscape where yoga studios are as ubiquitous as Starbucks, Randa Chehab's teaching stands out because of her passion, depth of knowledge, and intuitive precision. Like many of us, Randa's path has been at times intense and rocky, but those hardships inform her teaching with a deep compassion.
After more than 25 years, extended apprenticeships with renowned master teachers, and thousands of standing poses later, Randa is still learning, experimenting, and recalibrating to make sure her practice and teaching remain dynamic, fulfilling and juicy.
Randa is a rare combination of a practitioner who is devoted, passionate, irreverent, loving, and utterly dedicated to yoga. Her teaching platform is her personal practice—while she’s done numerous trainings over the decades, most of her teaching comes from her time spent ‘on the mat.’
Randa apprenticed the old-school way under revered masters in India and the US. Having studied and taught Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga across the globe, her dedication to practice is authentically founded in this rich lineage. Randa has also immersed herself in Iyengar-influenced methods, specifically Maya Yoga and Yoga on the Inside (developed by Eddie Modestini and Kristin Bosteels).
Her teaching is informed and enhanced by the education she received as a physician’s assistant and massage therapist, along with a life-long athlete’s keen awareness.

A lot of people say yoga saved my life—it definitely saved mine. Yoga is a built-in barometer to see how I am today. It's a timeout for meeting yourself, and when yoga truly works, it starts to crack a person open.
~Randa Chehab
When we bring people into our guidance, our system, our lineage, they have to be safe. I want to create a place for a great deal of humbleness and truth telling. Yoga is about removing the veils. It will do its work itself.
We call it churning the oceans of milk. I've been churned and pummeled, churned and pummeled, and keep throwing myself back in the pot. I tell people after 10 years, you become a beginner.
~Randa Chehab